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香港舞蹈藝術協會 HKDAA

香港舞蹈藝術協會 Hong Kong Dance And Arts Association (HKDAA)



我們舉辦【香港精英舞蹈大賽 Elite】等高質素大型賽事,為各舞者構建展現才華的舞台,凝聚熱愛舞蹈的人士,互相切磋,交流學習。我們同時希望比賽成為舞者走向更大舞台的台階,為舞蹈界注入新動力,培育新一代舞蹈藝術及教育工作者,散播希望的種子,薪火相傳。我們堅信,每一次演出及比賽的機會,對熱愛舞蹈的您,都是一個學習及成長的機會,一步一步朝著夢想進發。

為讓初接觸舞蹈的孩子有更多演出機會,我們亦開設【蜂鳥盃舞蹈比賽 Hummingbird Cup】,為初接觸舞蹈的孩子及更多熱愛舞蹈舞者有更多參賽機會,有更多歷練,更立自信,提升自我,享受舞蹈的每一刻。


我們有幸邀請到資深舞蹈家石成初先生出任【香港精英舞蹈大賽 Elite】賽務總監,石氏多年來策劃、編導及演出多個大型節目,亦有著多年的評審經驗,憑藉石成初老師豐富的經驗,將與大家共同前行,發掘和培養新一代的舞蹈新星。



Dedicate  to promoting the development of the art and education of dance. We are committed to promoting the development of dance art and education, guided by a people-oriented philosophy. Through organizing various types of dance competitions and activities, we aim to introduce children to dance, teach them to express their inner feelings, find joy in dance, and build their confidence.


We host high-quality large-scale events such as the Hong Kong Elite Dance Competition, providing a stage for dancers to showcase their talents. These events bring together dance enthusiasts, allowing them to compete, learn from each other, and improve. We hope that these competitions can be a stepping stone for dancers to reach larger stages, injecting new energy into the dance community, nurturing the next generation of dance artists and educators, and spreading seeds of hope. We firmly believe that every performance and competition opportunity is a learning and growth opportunity for you who love dance, taking one step closer to your dreams.

To give children more performance opportunities, we also organize the Hummingbird Cup Dance Competition. This allows beginners and other dance lovers more opportunities to participate, gain experience, build confidence, improve themselves, and enjoy every moment of dance.

We are honored to have invited the renowned dance artist Mr. Sek as our Competition Director. Mr. Sek has planned, directed, and performed in numerous large-scale programs over the years and has extensive experience as a judge. With Mr. Sek's rich experience, we will move forward together, discovering and nurturing the next generation of dance stars.

In the future, we hope to further expand international cooperation through more international exchange activities, bringing Hong Kong's dance culture to the world, allowing more people to understand and appreciate our dance art. We hope that dancers will accompany us on this journey, hand in hand towards the world stage, writing our shared stories.


© 2025 香港舞蹈藝術協會

Hong Kong Dance & Arts Association 

Hong Kong Elite Dance Competition
香港精英舞蹈大賽 2025

Hummingbird Cup Dance Competition 2024
蜂鳥盃舞蹈比賽 2024

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